I'm a Poet and I Know It

My Poem <3 Yes, I have to much time, but I love it so.
Dear Triangle Dress. It's been a memorable journey.
The memories, the feels, but as it's half past nine,
just like the ebbing tides of the canteen line, 
and as the leaves turn from green to red, it's time to move on. 
It's not you, it's me. No, not just me.
Why can't you just see? 
Your presence is just, affecting everyone. 

I know, how could I do this to you,
After all we've, well, been though
Like Bec said, we've been together for almost 350 days,
and you're appeal (colour) is starting to fade 
and green no longer compliments my eyes, 
And that is something I cannot abide.
The wheels (your buttons) of our love are starting to fall off. 
And the triangle cut was so last year. Seriously it makes me want to cough.
I can feel rips and tears in our partnership and frayed edges at our in-cohesiveness. 
We just don't, you know gel, connect, that's right, we lack CONNECTEDNESS.  

I feel it's the right time for me to move on,
Cause I wish to traverse on some senior lawn.
I'm sure a little year 7 could do with a spare uniform - 
one that will reach her ankles, as that is quite the norm.
It's not that you were like all the others...it's just that...you weren't the one. 
4 years is a long time and we've changed, now that's said and done. 

Alas, we shall part our new ways today, 
maybe we'll have a brief fling on Junior Uniform day
But I can't see a future for us anymore. I'm sorry. 
But seriously don't you worry.
I'll cherish the memories, that I will do. 
I mean out of all the things, who could forget you!
Can you remember when my MOTHER, of all people, caught your eye, 
introduced me to you down at that cafe - LOWES. Wow how time flies by. 
You were like the biggest thing out there, and mum definitely knew, 
that you were perfect - sun protection, and a lot more, but thank god you were not blue. 
There was a heater in summer, air conditioning in winter, 
long sleeves were so in fashion too and enough cloth *cough* heart to make the Great Wall of China. 
Boy, did she pick a keeper. We had so much fun in art,
And in classes too where we were oh so smart.
I totally did not decorate you with splotches of red and white, 
a harsh contrast to your green visage - that was quite a sight.
And the sawdust in DT and that tell tale food stain in food tech. 
Next time when I go down to sit on gum, I will surely check (my backside)

And as I sat by the stairs, while my butt collected burs, 
And my nose did, become quite the pollen connoisseur.
How proud I was when I restyled you, 
to roll up my sleeves and hem too. 
But why did you (sleeves) fall down? I'd have to roll them again.
And I can rightly say, safety pins were all the rage back then. 
"Partying" in the change rooms, 
swimming pools and rooms, 
I will miss your versatility, changing in the quad. 
But shifty looks from teachers, was enough to ask for a firing squad.
Your speed will always amaze me, your intense camouflage skills will continue to astound.  
You should continue with that endeavour, just when I am not around.

And now I bid Adieu,
As the birds flutter by right on cue,
I must morph into my own butterfly
and head towards the never ending sky.
What started as a break up letter, an ode and then a poem, 
has displayed my immense imagination I do believe it is an omen.
To stop writing like this, which I shall do so right away,
You have too much time all of you might say.
But as I continue writing, and as the clock strikes ten
I will stop, think and wonder, about all the times back then.

The innocence the laughter may be gone from those stairs
And maybe we shall leave with a few less joyful cares.
In writing this I have remembered, to treasure these last two years
Cause at the end, it will eventually end in tears (I mean, who isn't crying at graduation?)
This is just the end of a chapter in our story.
And if you are concerned about my sanity, you do not have to worry.
Because after a time of rambling my thoughts filled with bread (food - I was hungry OK?) 
And now full, I go to sleep, in my warm comfy bed.



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I am a girl, last time I checked. I love food, friends and family and sports that involve orange balls with lines with back boards. I'm arty and have a hate-hate relationship with math.
I live under a rock, don't have a phone and am down right crazy awesome.

I go to bed at 8 and like my sleep. ♥

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. - Randall G Leighton