Ice Skating

Hi. Yesterday I went ice skating with Kayley, QF and Yazzie. Kayley and I skated round the edge watching Yazzie do her awesome turns/jumps/other things you do as a pro ice skater. Kids came up to her and we like "can you do a trick? plllllllwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeee". It was quite cute. I just did limbo and skate in a circular motion. But what I did do (and no I'm NOT a stalker) was skate around people who were standing still with Yazzie... 

That aside though, I had my first soft serve and it tasted like...crap. It tasted terrible, quite awful.

That is all


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I am a girl, last time I checked. I love food, friends and family and sports that involve orange balls with lines with back boards. I'm arty and have a hate-hate relationship with math.
I live under a rock, don't have a phone and am down right crazy awesome.

I go to bed at 8 and like my sleep. ♥

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. - Randall G Leighton