I'm a fish cake. And fish cakes don't say hi. They feel like blobs that are swimming in homework. Good Luck to Paula...How can she survive that school!?!?!?! I'm afraid for her sanity. Don't forget me OK Paula? Anyway. Doing DT stuff for Mel, Frenching (which means doing french not 'frenching'), killing 'x's (which means stuffing up math) and getting science assessments OVER EMAIL. Can't you just tell me in class!?! I go home to get away from school and play basketball, (and do homework) NOT TO GET MORE ASSESSMENTS! Anyway. Making Muffins for 'soul therapy'. They are soooo good. Might give you all the recipe. :D This is the end of my rant.
Today is:
Boy Scout Day (Why not Girl Guides {the world is so sexist})
Kite Flying Day
Eventful Moment 1: "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred peaks at #1 (Take the LMFAO)
Eventful Moment 2: In 1984 1st time 8 people in space
So keep happy (and don't be fish cakes)
That is all
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