Party and Party and...

Hi. So yesterday which was nice and sunny and very relaxing, I went to my BFF's house and put up lanterns. Then we went carol singing at her church. Sadly I had to leave early resulting in unsung carols.

Then my I went to Petersham to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday. The kids and other young at heart people played soccer and the 'sporty' adults and tiny tots played lawn balls. We drank helium (Eric went on a high) and ate pizza and mini burgers. The 'old' band sang a few songs and ripped out some lines (played). Our friend has an obsession with guitars, especially fenders so, he received a huge, nearly full sized fender chocolate cake. It looked to good to eat! We sang carols and I sang a solo...It was a dare (Hey, hey Ashley, Jagar + Issac - I did it!). By the time it lasted till 12 and I was dead tired.

That is all


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I am a girl, last time I checked. I love food, friends and family and sports that involve orange balls with lines with back boards. I'm arty and have a hate-hate relationship with math.
I live under a rock, don't have a phone and am down right crazy awesome.

I go to bed at 8 and like my sleep. ♥

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. - Randall G Leighton