Hi. Dedicated to my best friend.
Actually - I'll jump break it.
That is all
Dear Best Friend,
The day I met you was in Yr 5. I was lost on my first day to my new school as I had missed orientation day and that other random day. You helped me get to my stop and find the short cut to the school. You probably don't remember though.
Then high school hit. You were there for me and joined my roller-coaster ride. You said that your father didn't have a best friend till high school. I said my father didn't have a best friend. We got ditched. Sad to say but still, we were resilient, dusted our patched knees up and continued on.
Thank you for always being there for me. Keep up your artiness, and your 'biro' book. :D Continue drawing and dancing and saying inspirational quotes and sayings. But most importantly amp up the AWESOMENESS. And keep it up. Cause your cool and you should stay that way.
The End
Thanks Bestie.