
Hi. Today we made granita. I think it's an Italian dessert. It's basically a fancy name for small flavoured ice crystals.

Recipe below

How to make:
Juice (any sort)
Freezer (one that works)

How to:
1. Pour juice into container.
2. Freeze in freezer for 1 HOUR.
3. After 1 hour, take out and scratch with fork in a killing of your least favourite plate motion. Do this until all scratchy.
4. Repeat steps 2. and 3. until it looks like the pictures below. It should be very crystally.
5. Freeze for an hour and a half and serve.
Photo's below.

That is all


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I am a girl, last time I checked. I love food, friends and family and sports that involve orange balls with lines with back boards. I'm arty and have a hate-hate relationship with math.
I live under a rock, don't have a phone and am down right crazy awesome.

I go to bed at 8 and like my sleep. ♥

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. - Randall G Leighton