I Think This is an Appropriate Title

Hey. Woke up. OH before I start. WE WON! bball I mean. Nana was an absolute powerhouse {as usual}, KK did a screen and I got a free though in. Anyway...Anyway YEAH. {Inside joke}. 

In choir we're learning this song called letter by the box tops. It's about this girl who can't live without her boyfriend, written in the boyfriend's POV. AND it's so low {just like solo :D}The sop part is so hard, cause we have to transition between the fifth and the third to the fifth and the second, and although it sounds really cool it's like SO DARN HARD. D:

Today though, went to work. Got paid. Found out there is a change of hands for the GSC and that the new GSC is starting a fresh, like an new broom that sweeps clean. YAYAYAY. Stupid U13 NSB team. URGH. Had to ref their game. So UP themselves. GROSS. And white tiger mums are so annoying {inside joke with myself}.


That is all


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I am a girl, last time I checked. I love food, friends and family and sports that involve orange balls with lines with back boards. I'm arty and have a hate-hate relationship with math.
I live under a rock, don't have a phone and am down right crazy awesome.

I go to bed at 8 and like my sleep. ♥

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. - Randall G Leighton